Stay Healthy with us this Fall!

Okay, maybe it’s just me, but I have a feeling sick season is going to be particularly sicky this year. Again, maybe it’s just me (I don’t think so), but I don’t like being sick. In fact, I like to avoid it and probably spend a lot more time than I need to trying to avoid it. So obviously, a devoted blog to avoiding getting sick was needed. Whether you’re an illness avoiding afficianado, or just trying to find some ways to be healthier this fall, we’ve got you covered. Stay tuned for more below. 

Get Enough Rest

You already know this, but it’s worth repeating! Rest helps your body recuperate, recover, and fight off illness more effeciently. Rather than pushing yourself to the brink of burnout this fall, prioritize your sleep hygiene and focus on rest. Did you know that studies have found that CBD can help you sleep better and that CBD can also help with insomnia? If you’re struggling with sleep, lying awake in the middle of the night, or just can’t seem to get a good night’s rest, CBD can help. 

Adding CBD to your nighttime routine (about 30 minutes before you want to fall asleep) can help your body have better sleep, fall asleep faster, and help you stay asleep. 

Your best sleep aid for insomnia, or just to help you beat sleep deprivation is our CBD PM tincture, but we have options for every lifestyle.  

In our CBD PM tincture, we combined a strong dose of our full-spectrum hemp extract with several other herbal sleep aids. Valerian root & chamomile complement our CBD blend to give you the best night's rest. You can even maximize the sleep-inducing combo by taking 5mg of melatonin along with the tincture. 

Eat Balanced Meals

A carb, a fat, a protein, and some delicious roast vegetables can do the trick. You can combine these all in a curry or soup if you want something easy that you can throw together. Turmeric is a superpower spice and is a natural antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties that can help stave off (or support!) sickness. Try this easy curry and add in some extra veggies and herbs (garlic is a natural antibiotic!)  if you want a more filling meal. Curries and soups are easy to meal prep and freeze, so make two portions the next time you’re cooking and freeze one of them for an easy way to take care of yourself the next time you’re not feeling well. Want to add CBD? You can use CBD in soups or stews! Adding CBD in where you would use butter or oil in your recipe (especially as a finishing oil) is an easy way to include it in your recipe. Keep an eye on your overall recipe temperature, and if you’re going to be searing, boiling, or otherwise using high temperatures, save the CBD oil for the end of your recipe, and add unflavored CBD oil to your pasta sauce, gravy, or soup toward the end of your cooking time. 

Support with CBD

We’ve already discussed CBD’s positive impacts on overall sleep quality, which may help prevent illness. If you are unfortunate enough to get sick this fall and winter season, you can also use CBD to support your recovery! Feeling the impacts of the flu, and suffering from achey joints and soreness? You can manage joint pain by using your preferred CBD tincture or Gummies throughout the day. You can also take your tincture and then use our Max CBD lotion directly on the spot where you’re noticing the most pain. You can reapply the Max CBD lotion directly to the pain point as often as you need. Combining, or stacking topical and oral products can maximize the effectiveness of CBD help reduce pain and inflammation, and get you back up on your feet faster. 

Sickness is inevitable, but with rest and a balanced lifestyle you can give yourself a head start toward a healthier sick season. CBD can help along the way, and if you do happen to get sick, CBD can help with your recovery too!


Finally, here’s to staying healthy this fall!

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